As Meeke and I observe the impact of secular culture on many, if not all, of our institutions, we are convinced that to preserve our nation, we must spread the Gospel and defend the family as God designed it. Defending the family begins with strengthening marriages. Strong, godly marriages paint an accurate picture of Christ and the Church. And whether you’re changing diapers or support socks, strong marriages matter to God.
Let’s celebrate biblical marriage and encourage one another as we cherish this profound mystery entrusted to us. We’re calling it Double Date Night because we’ve invited our friends, Abraham and Maria Hamilton. Along with funny dad and granddad, Todd Wilson, we are hosting an outstanding evening for you and your spouse to be both entertained and equipped.
You’re invited to dress up as much or as little as you like. Then come ready to laugh, compete with other couples for prizes and enjoy a full course dinner.
-Wil Addison